Know your farmer holding an heirloom tomato.

Happy livestock.  Delicious produce.  Healthy soil.

We see ourselves as stewards of the land. Living soil is a treasure that we nourish with natural amendments, cover crops, and sustainable cultivation. With a lot of experimentation, variety selection, and a little pushing of our climate’s limits, we’ve discovered that our land is well suited to growing fruit and greens. We employ row covers and greenhouses to grow tomatoes, peppers, and melons, and to extend the season for raspberries and greens.

Our laying flock and meat chickens have free range of the fields and forest so they may be the birds they’re meant to be. Every evening the egg layers come home to the coop to roost and lay and the meat flock come home to their mobile shelters for protection. The playful birds are happy making tunnels in the tall grass and catching insects on their daily foraging trips.

Our jolly ducks do more than lay eggs, they also provide excellent pest control in the orchard and know exactly where they are going when they are on the march. Often nearby, the cantankerous geese trim the grass and sound the alarm when predators are near.

All the poultry are an excellent source of soil nutrients making our living compost rich, feeding the soil, and ultimately feeding our plants.

Guardian geese in the orchard pasture.
Apple Quill Farm pasture with sunflower cover crop.
Free range chickens in their pasture.
Apple Quill Farm greenhouse for tomatoes and peppers.